Nov 15, 2007

iPhone: Madrid through the mini screen

I have just got back from the future. No, I haven't taken a spin in Doctor Who's Tardis; I've been trying out the latest hi-tech aid for the traveller.
The iPhone, made by Apple and launched in Britain yesterday, is a Bond-style mini computer that fits into your pocket, allowing you to surf the web while you are on the road. It's also a video iPod, camera, alarm clock, calendar and, of course, telephone.

This isn't the first such product on the market - BlackBerry and Nokia already allow their customers to access the internet from their phones - but this is arguably the first to be truly user-friendly, with a colourful, easy-to-read screen and a web surfing experience as good as that on any computer.
Travellers can now access up-to-the minute online content from their favourite guidebook - or guidebooks - virtually anywhere in the world; no more lugging around heavy editions.

They can consign dog-eared maps, phrasebooks and brochures to history and replace them with neat, downloadable iPod versions.
They can book flights, accommodation, restaurants and tickets on the hoof, check out train times, find the latest exchange rates, get live traffic news and weather reports, learn a new language and brush up on etiquette.

On long flights or stopovers they can listen to music, watch videos and play games. They can email friends and family, send them photos and update travel blogs. There is not much you can't do with the iPhone, it seems. But does it actually enhance the travel experience? That is the question.

Ahead of yesterday's launch here, I managed to borrow an iPhone from an American friend to try in Madrid for a weekend. My mission was simple: to enjoy a completely paperless holiday.

How would I fare? Would my new gadget allow me to slip seamlessly around the Spanish capital, or would I find myself in the wrong end of town jabbing ineffectually at a blank screen?

One thing was certain: without having to carry around a rucksack full of travel literature, I would save a fortune on chiropractor bills.

If you can already use the internet, operating the iPhone is fairly straightforward. It's slightly bigger than a cigarette packet and almost flat. Its black and silver fascia is dominated by a touch screen, which is operated by a series of swipes, taps and flicks.

The keypad is integrated into the screen, which, although fiddly, has a predictive text feature that corrects any bad spellings. You use the internet in the normal way: type in a website address and the page will appear. To read it, it is possible to expand the required text.

Some companies, including Rough Guides, have developed simplified pages for iPhones to make this process easier. The phone is compatible with both Macs and PCs.

To hook up to the internet abroad you either have to hunt out free wi-fi - wireless broadband - provided by many hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, airports and train stations, pay for an international deal, such as those offered by BT Openzone and T-Mobile, or surf the web over the normal mobile phone line.

The last method is not advisable. Apart from being painfully slow, it costs upwards of 35p per minute. One American user returned home from a holiday in Europe with a bill for $4,190 - about £2,040.

The big advantage of using the internet to research your holiday is that the data on the web tends, as a rule, to be new.

In response to this, traditional guides are rising to the digital challenge. The publisher Lonely Planet, whose website gets four million hits a month, allows its users to download tailor-made Pick & Mix guides chapter by chapter, as well as digital maps, phrasebooks, audio guides and podcasts. It also recently launched - a kind of You Tube for travel videos.

Rough Guides offers downloadable "e-books" - digital versions of its guidebooks - and recently introduced interactive maps, phrasebooks and Podscrolls - mini guides - which can be loaded onto the iPod function of the phone.

Newer travel brands, such as the series offered by Mr and Mrs Smith, Hg2, Time Out and Alastair Sawday's Special Places to Stay, are mostly web-based and have as much information on the internet as they do in their books.

Travel sections of newspapers are doing likewise. Using an iPhone, you can have full access to the Telegraph Travel site, including our city guides, interactive maps, picture galleries, videos, blogs and message boards, as well as an archive of everything that appears on these pages.

Before I left for Madrid, I downloaded several guides on to my phone: six podcasts, an audio walking tour, a guide to Madrileño restaurants and bars and a Spanish phrasebook, produced by Rough Guides.

I also "bookmarked" - saved - the Lonely Planet and Rough Guide website addresses, plus a selection of travel blogs for reference.

My first jaunt into Madrid without my usual travel furniture was disconcerting. To put the phone through its paces, I had opted to try it out in a capital city I had never visited, knew very little about, in a country whose language I barely spoke. I felt naked. Could I really put all my trust in a machine no bigger than a beer mat?

My worries were short-lived. On my first outing, Google Maps, which stays on the phone's screen regardless of whether or not you are connected to the internet, accurately directed me from my hotel to the El Rastro flea market.

The satellite images, which are so detailed I could see a child holding a balloon in the main square, gave an interesting new perspective on the city and made getting my bearings much easier.

Next, a quick internet search gave me an up-to-the-minute euro-sterling conversion for a handbag I wanted, then produced a list of nearby tapas bars for lunch.

Emboldened, I spent the afternoon following an audio city guide I had downloaded on to the iPod part of the phone. Then, with time to spare, I logged on to find out when the Museo del Prado closed and headed over for a stroll around the masterpieces.

That evening, using my hotel's free wi-fi service, I caught up with work emails, checked the weather forecast for the following day, listened to music and browsed the web for inspiration for the rest of my stay.

It was liberating. Not only was I completely unencumbered, but I could be totally spontaneous, and was no longer restricted to following religiously the recommendations of one guidebook.

Instead I could canvas the opinions of dozens of guides, as well as a range of blogs, and newspaper and magazine reviews. I discovered tourist-free squares and little-known cafés that traditional guides had overlooked, and it was a joy not to be sharing the same restaurant with a dozen other people wielding the same volume as me.

Oh, and I did feel smug. While other tourists grappled under maps the size of Spain and picked their way through guidebooks, I simply found a nearby wi-fi spot, scrolled through the internet for inspiration, tapped in my next destination and off I went.

Without a backpack and map I was no longer identifiable as a tourist, so was left alone by hawkers and nefarious types to enjoy my day. And no, I didn't miss the security of the printed word, or long to flick through the pages of a book - the phone offered a different, but equally enjoyable tactile experience.

Best of all, I was better informed than I had ever been. I could find up-to-date information on anything - anything - that sparked my interest: the Madrid train bombings, the sexual proclivities of Goya, the time of the next train to Toledo. And the level of detail I could go into was endless.

Take, for example, Madrid's Museum of Ham. It is one of the city's quirkiest attractions, particularly if you like ham, yet it barely gets a mention in traditional guides.

The internet, by comparison, has no fewer than 372,000 entries on it, from mainstream sites such as the New York Times to far-out offerings from

Of course the phone isn't faultless. At £269, it's expensive, and in Britain buyers have to sign up to an 18-month contract with O2, Apple's service provider, for £35-£55 per month, which puts the true starting cost at almost £900.

Apart from this, the phone's battery power is short - the phone ran out on me at about 7pm each day - the camera has just two megapixels, a meagre resolution compared to that of most new models, and despite the predictive text feature, the touchscreen keys are slow and fiddly when typing more than a short email.

My only other complaints were that the screen was hard to see in direct sunshine and that it showed up every fingerprint, which rather ruined the cool look.

Despite this, the iPhone is expected to be a runaway success in Britain, as it has been in the United States, where it was launched on June 29, And this is just the start.

Apple's second-generation iPhone is rumoured to have faster "3G" internet access, bigger 16GB storage and satellite navigation. Nokia recently announced it is launching a similar smart phone in association with Microsoft, while other manufacturers are busy producing their own versions.

On my last evening in Madrid, I decided to conduct an experiment by venturing out in the old, cumbersome way. I collected all the usual travel equipment from my hotel's bookcase and piled it on to my bed: Lonely Planet's guide to Spain (2004 edition); Spanish phrase book; dictionary; six maps of Madrid's various quarters; contact list in case of emergency; camera; CD player; normal mobile phone.

The whole lot weighed marginally less than a Spanish bull. As I was loading on the last brochure, I realised I wouldn't have a bag nearly big enough to carry it all in.

Shame. I slipped my iPhone into my jacket pocket and bowled out into the Madrileño night.
Suzy Bennett flew to Madrid with EasyJet (0905 821 0905 - premium rate number - Flights from Luton, Bristol, Gatwick, Edinburgh and Liverpool start at £22.99 one way, including tax. She stayed at Casa de Madrid (0034 9155 95791,, a boutique hotel facing the city's Royal Opera House, which offers free wi-fi access for its guests. Doubles cost from €260 (£180).