Nov 15, 2007

Apple: More iPhone Features Coming

Posted by Eric Zeman
If you're disappointed by some of the features not found on the iPhone, time will cure your ills. According to comments made recently by an Apple spokesperson, the Cupertino firm plans to add more functionality over the coming months.

I guess Apple thought we'd be overwhelmed to have a complete feature set included on the iPhone from the outset. Rather than ship fully realized devices starting June 29th, Apple held back many features that are common on simpler, cheaper phones. Many complaints arose at the iPhone's lack of stereo Bluetooth support, inability to record video or send picture messages, and so on. As was evidenced by the 1.1.1 firmware update, Apple can and will add new features to the iPhone through software upgrades.

An Apple rep recently told Pocket-lint, "All the complaints and feature requests we've had can be fixed and added by software upgrades." Apple has been mulling all the feedback and complaints of the iPhone and said about its initially limited feature set, "We didn't want to include something for something's sake."

There is a lot of speculation about why Apple didn't include more features from the onset. Some think that adding new features every few months will keep new customers coming in the doors. Others think that the promise of new features might prevent more people from hacking their iPhones.

If you ask me, I think Apple couldn't have the additional features ready by June 29th. I bet it performed some internal calculations, figured out what the minimum feature set it could prepare by launch, and went with it. The reason Apple hasn't added more features already is because they are still in the process of being developed.

Apple knows exactly what its customer want at this point. Now it is only a matter of time before Apple gets around to adding them to the iPhone.